
I have created a range of meal plans to work for EVERYONE as the same calories will not work for everyone. No two people are the same and we all have different metabolic set points. This is what sets the Pro-Metabolic Life Meal Plans apart from all the generic meal plans available online. Most fitness and health meal plans make the assumption that everyone can metabolise the same amount of food and have designed meal plans for everyone to eat the same number of calories. My programs are designed to work with you and your current metabolic rate, wherever you are at.

Everyone is different and no two people’s metabolisms are the same.

To achieve the greatest success it is best to commence your Pro-Metabolic plan eating in a similar calorie range as you currently do.

By personalising your starting calorie point, you will achieve greater success, both with stripping fat and ensuring your metabolism and hormones stays healthy. I encourage you to take a moment to calculate APPROXIMATELY how many calories on average you eat a day. You can use a free online calculator called MyFitnessPal.
It is easily downloaded as an app on a mobile device or via computer.

Use this link to quickly create a free account. You will need an email address, a password and just some basic information about your weight and goals. Input a general day of food that you eat to get an approximate idea of how many calories you consume each day and then choose the plan as close to this as possible.

I am also more than happy to help you work this out. Email me at info@prometaboliclife with a rough outline of what and how much you eat each day and I will happily calculate your calories starting point and let you know.

I have also attached a rough guide* below which can be another way to help you choose your calorie starting point.

*NOTE – formal calculations will be more accurate than this table. This table is just a rough guide to assist calculating daily calorie intake.

Compliment your Meal Plan with a Complete Package Upgrade. $60 worth for only $19!

When you add a meal plan of your choice to cart, you can also select a Complete Package Upgrade* of your choice!
*Limited time available.

Complete Package Upgrade: $60 worth for only $19!!

Add your choice of Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced Complete Package* now with your purchase of a ProMetabolic Life Meal Plan.
Click Learn More to reveal the contents of each pack.

*Limited to only ONE Complete Package Upgrade per Meal Plan order.

  • Complete Package: Beginner


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  • Complete Package: Intermediate


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  • Complete Package: Advanced


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